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Did you know that an average of 600 vulnerabilities is discovered per week, that is about 31,200 vulnerabilities in a year that needs remediation efforts! The average time to patch exceeds 100 days with traditional scanning methods.

Effective vulnerability management goes beyond patching. It requires continuous identification, risk prioritisation and a timely mitigation while being compliant.

So, do you want to play a critical role in securing your client's business by uncovering weakness in various domains of cybersecurity even before the real threat actors come to play?

Watch this 1-minute video on why Cybersecurity vulnerability is MSPs business.

It is a cloud-based app that scans network gears such as routers, switches, access points, firewalls, end-user devices, printers, servers and virtual machines! 

Begin your ConnectSecure journey from just AUD$0.31*per IP! 

*This is based on per month excluding GST.

Hot off the press!

ConnectSecure Version 4.0 has been honored with the prestigious 2024 MSP Today Product of the Year Award.

ConnectSecure version 4.0 allows MSPs an overview of all clients' assets, both networked and cloud-based in the login screen. In addition, another key feature of Version 4.0 is automated remediation, meaning issues are not just identified but automatically fixed around the clock!

Read more about ConnectSecure Version 4.0 here.

How is it going to make your life easier and protect your customers?

Be a Trusted Advisor

By building cyber resilience in your company, you are positioning your brand as a MSP that helps your customers in navigating increasingly volatile security environments. Your customers will want what you have!

Boost Creditability 

Lead by example to show that as a MSP, you understand the significance of compliance and vulnerability detection. Your customers will reward you for your diligence in ensuring their company's cybersecurity is safe with you.

Reoccurring Revenue

Position yourself as a Subject-matter-expert in vulnerability management, you can provide value-based selling to your customers. They will appreciate your expertise, what's more if you have tried the product yourself!

Now, you know that ConnectSecure provides you a peace of mind with its best-in-class vulnerability management software. Join the revolution and discuss with our friendly sales team on how to become a ConnectSecure partner by emailing us at [email protected]

ACA Pacific - Specialist value-add IT solutions distributor since 1988
Get in touch with our dedicated team for customised quotations, demos or more information. 

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